Wednesday, June 10, 2009

1 Year Check-Up

From birthdays to graduations, this week has been packed full of excitement. This morning, Benjamin had his 12 month check-up. Had to cancel the original appointment to escort the girls on a field trip to the zoo. We had fun and everyone rode the carousel too. Benjamin weighed in at 24lb. 7oz. and his height is 32 inches. He's still tall, but thinning out a bit. He's eating mostly table food, but still likes applesauce with cereal, yogurt and Caryn said "PUFFS!" He stands up and walks around the furniture, but not walking on his own yet. He's drinking milk and started using a sippy cup last week as Mommy said, "No more bottle!" and he was a bit thirsty after not drinking much for a few days before he finally figured the cups out. The doctor referred us to an ophthalmologist to look at his right eye as he's got a bit of a "lazy eye" and the doctor wants to make sure it's not affecting his vision. Benjamin is such a smiley boy and very free spirited. He waves at everyone and is willing to sit by anyone who smiles back at him. Big party coming up this weekend as last weekend had a family wedding at Aunt Melissa's high school graduation.

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